Different species of Amanita
Explore the world of Amanita mushrooms, a genus of over 600 species with diverse characteristics and applications. From the toxic Death Cap Mushroom (Amanita phalloides) to the culturally significant Amanita muscaria, each species has its own unique story. This journey delves into the taxonomy, ecology, and cultural significance of Amanita mushrooms, revealing their roles in shaping human history and contemporary perspectives.
Baba Masha MD - Microdosing with Amanita Muscaria: Creativity, Healing, and Recovery with the Sacred Mushroom by Baba Masha and James Fadiman Ph.D.- Baba Masha MD: Microdosing Amanita Muscaria
Amanita Muscaria vs. Psychedelic Mushrooms (Psilocybin): What’s the Difference?
(Amanita muscaria: Ecology, Chemistry, Myths)
Amanita muscaria: The Mushrooms that shaped Mankind
The genus Amanita contains about 600 species of agarics including some of the most toxic known mushrooms found worldwide, as well as some well-regarded edible species. (Amatoxins are not found in Amanita Muscaria, however, this deadly toxin is found in)
Death Cap Mushrooms (Amanita phalloides)
Pacific Northwest Poisonous Mushrooms
Amanita ocreata - Wikipedia
"Amatoxins are also found in several other Amanita species (phalloides, bisporigera, hygroscopia, ocreata, suballiacea, tenuifolia, verna, and virosa), as well as in some species of the genera Galerina (autumnalis, marginata, and venenata) and Lepiota (brunneoincarnata, chlorophyllum, helveola, and josserandii)"
Death Cap Mushrooms
This species contains three main groups of toxins: amatoxins, phallotoxins, and virotoxins ...
Amanita muscaria is classified as an illegal substance in the state of Louisiana. (Louisiana State Act 159) As such, we do not support or endorse the use of any substance in violation of the law. Nevertheless, we recognize the prevalence of illicit drug consumption and advocate for the dissemination of responsible harm reduction information to ensure the well-being and safety of all individuals.
"Amanita muscaria is, surprisingly, a fully legal mushroom under federal law, and always has been. While psilocybin mushrooms are illegal in the United States, those that contain muscimol as their intoxicating agent are perfectly fine to be sold and purchased, with no restrictions of any kind."
It is highly recommended to exercise caution and thorough research before contemplating the use of Amanita Muscaria, a sacred mushroom. Due to the lack of regulation in internet sales, the origin and quality of these mushrooms may be uncertain.
List of Amanita species - List Native to Oregon
Section Amanita [edit]
Amanita albocreata – (North America)
Amanita aliena – (south Brazil)
Amanita altipes – (southwestern China)[4]
Amanita aprica – (North America)
Amanita armeniaca – gypsy amanita (Australia)
Amanita augusta – USA
Amanita breckonii – western USA
Amanita eliae – (Europe)
Amanita farinosa – (eastern North America to Central America)
Amanita frostiana – Frost's amanita (eastern North America)
Amanita gemmata – gemmed mushroom, jewelled amanita (Europe)
Amanita gioiosa (Italy)
Amanita ibotengutake – Japanese Ringed-Bulb Amanita (Japan)
Amanita multisquamosa - Small Funnel-Veil Amanita (eastern North America)
Amanita muscaria ** – fly agaric (cosmopolitan)
Amanita nehuta – Maori dust Amanita (New Zealand)
Amanita orientigemmata (Japan)
Amanita parcivolvata – False Caesar, False Fly Agaric
Amanita pantherina – panther mushroom, panther cap (Northern Hemisphere)
Amanita parvipantherina – (Yunnan province, southwestern China)[4]
Amanita persicina – Peach-Colored Fly Agaric
Amanita petalinivolva – (Brazil)
Amanita regalis – royal fly agaric (Europe, Alaska)
Amanita roseotincta – North America
Amanita rubrovolvata – red volva amanita (Asia)
Amanita velatipes – (eastern North America)
Amanita virgineoides – white-colored (Japan)
Amanita viscidolutea – (Brazil)
Amanita wellsii – salmon amanita (North America)
Amanita xanthocephala – vermillion grisette (Australia)
Section Vaginatae [edit]
Amanita argentea (=Amanita mairei) – (Europe)
Amanita battarrae (=Amanita umbrinolutea) – umber-zoned ringless amanita (Europe)
Amanita beckeri - Becker's Ringless Amanita (Europe)
Amanita ceciliae (=Amanita inaurata) – Cecilia's ringless amanita, snakeskin grisette (Europe)
Amanita crocea – orange grisette, saffron ringless amanita (Europe)
Amanita fulva – tawny grisette, orange-brown ringless amanita (Europe)
Amanita groenlandica – (Greenland and Northern Europe)
Amanita liquii – (southwestern China)
Amanita lividopallescens – (Europe)
Amanita nivalis – mountain grisette, snow ringless amanita (Arctic/Alpine)
Amanita orientifulva – (southwestern China)
Amanita pachycolea – Stuntz' great ringless amanita, western grisette (western North America)
Amanita pekeoides – Maori's sack ringless Amanita (New Zealand)
Amanita sinicoflava – North America
Amanita submembranacea – (Europe)
Amanita vaginata * – grisette (Europe, North America)
Amanita velosa – springtime amanita, coral to peachy pink ringless amanita (western North America)
Section Caesareae [edit]
A. caesarea
Amanita arkansana – (USA)
Amanita basii – (Mexico)
Amanita caesarea * – Caesar's mushroom, caesar, royal amanita (southern Europe)
Amanita caesareoides – Asian Vermilion Slender Caesar (South-East Asia)
Amanita chepangiana – (South-East Asia)
Amanita hemibapha (species complex) – half-dyed slender Caesar (Pantropical)
Amanita kitamagotake – Becker's ringless amanita (Japan)
Amanita jacksonii – Jackson's slender caesar, American Caesar (eastern North America)
Amanita lanei (=Amanita calyptrata) – coccora, coccoli (western North America)
Amanita princeps – head man slender Caesar (southeastern Asia)
Amanita spreta – hated amanita, hated Caesar (eastern North America)
Amanita zambiana – Zambian slender Caesar (Africa)
Subgenus Amanitina [edit]
Section Phalloideae [edit]
A. phalloides
Amanita arocheae – Latin American death cap (Central/South America)
Amanita bisporigera – destroying angel (eastern North America)
Amanita exitialis – Guangzhou destroying angel (southern China)
Amanita fuliginea - East Asian Brown Death Cap (Japan, China)
Amanita hesleri – Hesler's Lepidella (eastern North America)
Amanita hygroscopica Coker – "Pink-Gilled Destroying Angel," possibly synonymous with Amanita elliptosperma[5]
Amanita magnivelaris – great felt skirt destroying angel (eastern North America)
Amanita manginiana – Chiu's false death cap (East Asia)
Amanita marmorata subsp. myrtacearum – marbled death cap (Hawaii)
Amanita ocreata – destroying angel, death angel (western North America)
Amanita phalloides * – death cap (cosmopolitan)
Amanita pseudoporphyria – Hongo's false death cap (East & South Asia)
Amanita subjunquillea – east Asian death cap (East & Southeast Asia)
Amanita verna – fool's mushroom (southern Europe)
Amanita virosa – destroying angel (Europe)
Amanita virosiformis – narrow-spored destroying angel (Florida)
Amanita volvarielloides – (Australia)
Section Validae [edit]
A. flavoconia
Amanita aestivalis - white American star-footed Amanita (North America)
Amanita australis - far south Amanita (New Zealand)
Amanita brunnescens – brown American star-footed Amanita, cleft-footed amanita (North America)
Amanita brunneolocularis - Mesoamerican Dark Volva Blusher (Colombia, Costa Rica, Honduras)
Amanita citrina – false death cap (Europe)
Amanita excelsa var. excelsa * (=Amanita excelsa var. valida) – (Europe)
Amanita excelsa var. spissa * (=Amanita spissa) – grey-spotted amanita, European false blusher (Europe)
Amanita flavella – orange Amanita, Australian yellow-dust amanita (Australia)
Amanita flavoconia – yellow patches, yellow wart, American yellow-dust amanita (eastern North America)
Amanita flavorubens – yellow blusher (eastern North America)
Amanita franchetii (= Amanita aspera) – yellow-veiled amanita (Europe, North America)
Amanita luteofusca - Thorn-Bush Amanita (Australia)
Amanita nothofagi - southern beech Amanita (New Zealand)
Amanita novinupta – western blusher, blushing bride (western North America)
Amanita porphyria – purple-brown Amanita, porphyry amanita (Europe)
Amanita rubescens – European blusher, golmotte (Europe and eastern North America)
Amanita solaniolens – old potato amanita (Nova Scotia, Canada)
Section Roanokenses [edit]
A. abrupta
Amanita abrupta – American abrupt-bulbed Lepidella (North America)
Amanita austroviridis (Australia) – Australian verdigris Lepidella
Amanita ananaeceps – White-veiled Lepidella, Australian pineapple Lepidella (Australia)
Amanita cinereovelata – northern Bangladesh[6]
Amanita cokeri – Coker's Lepidella
Amanita daucipes – Carrot-foot Lepidella, turnip-foot Amanita
Amanita macrocarpa – South China[7]
Amanita magniverrucata – Great-warted Lepidella
Amanita neo-ovoidea – (Asia)
Amanita onusta – Loaded Lepidella, gunpowder Lepidella
Amanita ovoidea – bearded amanita, European egg amidella (southern Europe)
Amanita ravenelii – (North America) Pinecone Lepidella
Amanita rhopalopus – (North America) American Club-Footed Lepidella
Amanita smithiana – Smith's Lepidella (western North America)
Amanita solitaria or Amanita echinocephala – European solitary Lepidella (Europe)
Amanita sphaerobulbosa – Asian abrupt-bulbed Lepidella (eastern Asia)
Amanita strobiliformis – warted amanita (Europe)
Section Amidella [edit]
Amanita chepangiana – (Asia)
Amanita curtipes – (southern Europe)
Amanita gilbertii – (France & Germany)
Amanita lepiotoides – (southern Europe)
Amanita ponderosa – (southern Europe)
Amanita proxima – (southern Europe)
Amanita volvata * – American amidella (eastern North America)
Subgenus Lepidella (= Saproamanita) [edit]
Section Lepidella (= Saproamanita) [edit]
Amanita chlorinosma – Chlorine Lepidella (eastern North America)
Amanita inopinata – Unexpected Guest Lepidella (New Zealand, western Europe)
Amanita lesueurii - Lesueur's Lepidella (southwestern Australia)
Amanita thiersii – Thiers' Lepidella (eastern North America)
Amanita vittadinii – Barefoot Amanita, Vittadini's Lepidella (southern Europe)
Unknown subgenus [edit]
Amanita galactica (South America).
Amanita ovoidea – European egg amidella (southern Europe)