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Alternative health systems

Introduction: Cancer is a global health concern, with millions of new cases diagnosed each year. While conventional treatments like surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy remain standard, many individuals explore alternative health systems and treatments in search of complementary or alternative approaches to cancer care. This webpage aims to provide comprehensive information on various alternative health systems and cancer treatments, including their potential benefits, limitations, and evidence base.

Cancer: Forbidden cures? - PMC
"Cancer is the leading cause of death in the world. Despite the estimated high death rates as a result of cancer, it is mostly a preventable disease."
FDA warning on miracle marijuana cures for cancer
"1st November 2017, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, FDA, released a statement warning the general public against fraudulent claims regarding marijuana based cancer cures." 

General information - Alternative medicine - Wikipedia


Fringe medicine and science

Alternative health systems 
Aromatherapy – the use of fragrant substances, such as essential oils ...

Ayurvedic medicine – a 5,000-year-old system of traditional medicine which originated on ...

Germanic New Medicine – a popular medical system devised by Ryke Geerd Hamer ...

Greek cancer cure – A putative cancer cure invented and promoted by microbiologist ...

Herbalism – a whole-body approach to promoting health, in which substances ...

Holistic medicine – a general term for an approach to medicine which encompasses mental ...

Homeopathy – a pseudoscientific system of medicine based on ultra-diluted substances ...

Native American healing – shamanistic forms of medicine traditionally practiced by some ...

Naturopathy – a system of alternative medicine based on a belief in energy forces in the body ...

Alkaline diet – a restrictive diet of non-acid foods, such as that proposed by Edgar Cayce ...

Breuss diet – a diet based on vegetable juice and tea devised by Rudolf Breuss ...

Budwig protocol (or Budwig diet) – an "anti-cancer" diet developed in the 1950s by Johanna ...

Fasting and intermittent fasting – not eating or drinking for a period – a practice which has ...

Hallelujah diet – a restrictive "biblical" diet based on raw food, claimed by its inventor ...

Kousmine diet – a restrictive diet devised by Catherine Kousmine (1904–1992) ...

Macrobiotic diet – a restrictive diet based on grains and unrefined foods, and promoted by ...

McDougall diet – a restrictive low-fat, starch based vegan diet devised by John A. McDougall ...

Moerman Therapy – a highly restrictive diet devised by Cornelis Moerman (1893–1988) ...

Superfood – a marketing term applied to certain foods with supposed health-giving properties ...

Electromagnetic and energy-based
Bioresonance therapy – diagnosis and therapy delivered by attaching an electrical device ...

Electrohomeopathy (or Mattei cancer cure) – a treatment devised by Count Cesare Mattei ...

Electro Physiological Feedback Xrroid – an electronic device promoted as being capable of ...

Light therapy – the use of light to treat medical conditions. According to the American Cancer ...

Magnetic therapy – the practice of placing magnets on and around the body in order to treat ...

Orgone – a type of life force proposed to exist by Wilhelm Reich (1897–1957) ...

Polarity therapy – a type of energy medicine based on the idea that the positive or negative ...

Rife Frequency Generator – an electronic device purported to cure cancer by transmitting ...

Therapeutic Touch (or TT) – contrary to its name, a technique that does not usually involve ...

Zoetron therapy – therapy based around a large electromagnetic device that ...

Clark's "Cure for All Cancers" – an alternative medicine regime promoted by Hulda Regehr Clark ...

Contreras therapy – treatment offered at the Oasis of Hope Hospital in Tijuana, Mexico ...

Gerson therapy – a predominantly diet regime, generally based on: limiting salt, protein and ...

Gonzalez protocol – a treatment regime devised by Nicholas Gonzalez (1947–2015) ...

Hoxsey therapy – a treatment consisting of a caustic herbal paste for external cancers or a herb ...

Issels treatment – a regime recommended to be used alongside conventional treatment ...

Kelley treatment – a treatment regime devised by William Donald Kelley (1925–2005) ...

Live blood analysis – in alternative medicine, the practice of examining blood samples under ...

Livingston-Wheeler Therapy – a therapeutic regime that included a restricted diet, various ...

Lorraine Day's 10-step program – a regime devised by Lorraine Day based on a restrictive diet ...
Metabolic therapies – an umbrella term for diet- and enema-based "detoxification" regimes ...

Nieper therapy – a regimen devised by Hans Alfred Nieper (1928–1998) ...

Plant- and fungus-based
Actaea racemosa (or black cohosh) – a flowering plant from which dietary supplements are ...

Aloe – a genus of flowering succulent plants native to Africa. According to Cancer Research UK ...

Amygdalin (sometimes going by the trade name Laetrile) – a glycoside, has been promoted as ...

Andrographis paniculata – a herb used in Ayurvedic medicine, and promoted as a dietary ...

Aveloz (also called firestick plant, pencil tree or Euphorbia tirucalli) – a succulent shrub native to parts of Africa ...

Bach flower remedies – preparations devised by Edward Bach (1886–1936) in ...

Cannabidiol – a phytocannabinoid extracted from the cannabis plant. Many claims are made ...

Cannabis – Used as a recreational and medicinal drug. Chemicals derived from cannabis have ...

Cansema (also called black salve) – a type of paste or poultice often promoted as a cancer cure ...

Capsicum – the name given to a group of plants in the nightshade family, well known for ...

Carctol – a herbal dietary supplement made from ayurvedic herbs ...

Cassava – a woody shrub native to South America, the root of which is a carbohydrate-rich ...

Castor oil – an oil made from the seeds of the castor oil plant. The claim has been made ...

Chaparral (or Larrea tridentata) – a plant used to make a herbal remedy which is sold as cancer ...

Chlorella – a type of algae promoted for its health-giving properties, including a claimed ...

Echinacea – a group of herbaceous flowering plants in the daisy family, marketed as a herbal ...

Ellagic acid – a natural phenol found in some foods, especially berries, and which has been ...

Essiac – a blended herbal tea devised in the early 20th century and promoted as a cancer cure. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration ...

Fermented wheat germ extract (FWGE) – a concentrated extract of wheat germ sold with the ...

Ginger – a root of plants of the Zingiber family, and a popular spice in many types of cuisine ...

Ginseng – a species of perennial plant, the root of which is promoted for its therapeutic value ...

Glyconutrients – types of sugar extracted from plants; they are mostly marketed in a product with the brand name "Ambrotose" by Mannatech, Inc ...

Goldenseal (or Hydrastis canadensis) – a herb from the buttercup family promoted for treating ...

Gotu kola – a swamp plant native to parts of Asia and Africa. Supplements made from it are ...

Grapes – fruit, popularized for supposed anti-cancer effect by Johanna Brandt (1876–1964) who championed a "grape diet" ...

Inonotus obliquus – commonly known as chaga mushroom. Chaga has been used as a ...

Juice Plus – a branded line of dietary supplements containing concentrated fruit and vegetable juice extract. In October 2009, Barrie R. Cassileth ...

Juicing (or Juice Therapy) – the practice of consuming juice made from raw fruit and ...

Kombucha – A kind of fermented tea claimed to cure a variety of human illnesses including AIDS ...

Mangosteen – a fruit native to Southeast Asia which is promoted as a "superfruit" and in products such as XanGo Juice ...

Milk thistle (Silybum marianum) – a biennial plant that grows in many locations over the world ...

Mistletoe (or Iscador) – a plant used in anthroposophical medicine, proposed as a cancer cure by Rudolf Steiner ...

Modified citrus pectin – a substance chemically extracted from citrus fruits and marketed in ...

Moxibustion – the practice, used in conjunction with acupuncture or acupressure, of burning dried-up mugwort ...

Mushrooms – promoted on the internet as useful for cancer treatment. According to Cancer ...

Nerium oleander (or oleander) – one of the most poisonous of commonly grown garden plants ...

Noni juice – juice derived from the fruit of the Morinda citrifolia tree indigenous to Southeast AsiaAustralasia, and the Caribbean ...

Pau d'arco – a large South American rainforest tree whose bark (sometimes brewed into "lapacho" tea) is promoted as a treatment for many ailments ...

Pygeum – an extract made from Prunus africana, the African Cherry Following excitement at ...

Rauvolfia serpentina (or snakeroot) – a plant used as the basis of a herbal remedy that ...

Red clover (Trifolium pratense) – a European species of clover, promoted as a treatment for ...

Saw palmetto (or Serenoa repens) – a type of palm tree found growing in the southeastern United States. Its extract has been promoted as a prostate cancer ...

Seasilver – an expensive dietary supplement made mostly from plant extracts and promoted ...

Soursop (or Graviola) – According to the U.S. Federal Trade Commission soursop extract is ...

Strychnos nux-vomica – a tree native to Asia, the bark of which contains toxic strychnine ...

Ukrain – the trademarked name of a drug (sometimes called "celandine") made from ...

Uncaria tomentosa (or cat's claw) – a woody vine found in the tropical jungles of South and ...

Venus flytrap – a carnivorous plant, the extract of which is promoted as a treatment for a ...

Walnuts – large, hard edible seeds of any tree of the genus Juglans. Black walnut has been ...

Wheatgrass – a food made from grains of wheat. According to the American Cancer Society ...

Wild yam (or Chinese yam) – types of yam, the roots of which are made into creams and ...

Wilburn Ferguson's solution a mixture of plants that were supposedly used by the Shuar ...

Physical procedures
Acupuncture – a mainstay of traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture attempts to regulate the flow of a supposed energy ...

Applied kinesiology – the practice of diagnosing and treating illness by touching and ...

Chiropractic – the practice of manipulating the spine to treat many human ailments ...

Craniosacral therapy (or CST) – a treatment devised by John Upledger in the 1970s ...

Colon cleansing – the practice of cleansing the colon using laxatives and enemas to "detoxify" ...

Cupping – a procedure in which cups are used to create areas of suction on the body ...

Dance therapy – the use of dance or physical movement to improve physical or mental well- ...

Ear candling – an alternative medical technique in which lighted candles are placed in the ...

Psychic surgery – a sleight-of-hand confidence trick in which the practitioner pretends to ...

Reiki – a procedure in which the practitioner might look at, blow on, tap and touch a patient in ...

Shiatsu – a type of alternative medicine consisting of finger and palm pressure, stretches and ...

Spiritual and mental healing
Cancer guided imagery – the practice of attempting to treat cancer in oneself by imagining ...

Faith healing – the attempt to cure disease by spiritual means, often by prayer or participation ...

Hypnosis – the induction of a deeply relaxed and yet alert mental state ...

Meditation (also Transcendental Meditation and Mindfulness) – mind-body practices ...

Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) – a series of behavioral techniques based on various ...

Anti-cancer psychotherapy – a technique claiming that a "cancer personality" caused cancer ...

Qigong – the practice of maintaining a meditative state while making gentle and fluid bodily ...

Synthetic chemicals and other substances
714-X – sometimes called "trimethylbicyclonitramineoheptane chloride", is a mixture of ...

Antineoplaston therapy – a form of chemotherapy promoted by the Burzynski Clinic in Texas ...

Apitherapy – the use of products derived from bees, such as honey and bee venom ...

Cancell  also called Protocel, Sheridan's Formula, Jim's Juice, Crocinic Acid ...

Cell therapy – the practice of injecting cellular material from animals in an attempt to prevent ...

Caesium chloride – a toxic salt, promoted as a cancer cure (sometimes as "high pH therapy") ...

Chelation therapy – removal of metals from the body by administering chelating agent ...

Cytokine therapy (or Klehr's autologous tumor therapy) – a so-called immunotherapy with a ...

Colloidal silver – liquid containing a suspension of silver particles, marketed as a treatment ...

Coral calcium – a dietary supplement supposedly made from crushed coral and promote ...

DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone) – a steroid hormone that has been promoted in supplement ...

Di Bella Therapy – a cocktail of vitamins, drugs and hormones devised by Luigi di Bella ...

Dimethyl sulfoxide (or DMSO) – an organosulfur compound that has been promoted as a treat ...

Emu oil – an oil derived from adipose tissue of the emu, and promoted in dietary supplement ...

Gc-MAF (Gc protein-derived macrophage activating factor) – a type of protein that affects ...

Germanium – a metalloid which has been sold in supplement form with the claim that it is ...

Hydrazine sulfate – a chemical compound promoted (sometimes as "rocket fuel treatment") for ...

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy – the use of a pressurized oxygen environment as therapy ...

Insulin potentiation therapy – the practice of injecting insulin, usually alongside a low dose ...

Krebiozen (also known as Carcalon, creatine, substance X, or drug X) – a mineral oil-based liq ...

Lipoic acid – an antioxidant available as a dietary supplement and claimed by proponents to ...

Miracle Mineral Supplement (or MMS) – a toxic solution of 28% sodium chlorite in distilled ...

Orthomolecular medicine (or Megavitamin therapy) – the use of high doses of vitamins ...

Oxygen therapy – in alternative medicine, the practice of injecting hydrogen peroxide ...

Ozone therapy – the application of ozone to the body, either externally or internally ...

Pangamic acid – a name given to an ill-defined substance peddled by fraudster Ernst T. Krebs, Jr. ...

Phosphorylethanolamine – A chemical manufactured in Brazil by Gilberto Chierice and ...

Poly-MVA – a dietary supplement created by Merrill Garnett (1931–), a former dentist turned ...

Pregnenolone – a steroid which has been promoted online with claims it can treat a variety of ...

Protandim – a herbal supplement fraudulently marketed with claims it can cure or prevent ...

Quercetin – a plant pigment used in dietary supplements that have been promoted for their ...

Revici's Guided Chemotherapy – a practice in which a chemical mixture (usually including ...

Shark cartilage – a dietary supplement made from ground shark skeleton, and promoted ...

Sodium bicarbonate (or baking soda) – the chemical compound with the formula ...

Urine therapy (or urotherapy) – the practice of attempting to treat cancer—or other illnesses ...

Vitacor – a type of vitamin supplement devised by Matthias Rath and heavily promoted on ...

Hoxsey Therapy
The sale or marketing of the Hoxsey Method (cure for cancerwas banned in the United States by the FDA on September 21, 1960

Burzynski Clinic
Cancer treatment clinic was "deemed to be unlawful by the U.S. FDA and the Texas Attorney General(Stanislaw Burzynski)

Life-Saving Cancer Drugs
"When effective new drugs are delayed, the inevitable consequence is needless human suffering and death"

Cancer continues to be the second most common cause of death in the US, after heart disease. A total of 1.9 million new cancer cases and 609,360 deaths from cancer are expected to occur in the US in 2022, which is about 1,670 deaths a day. Jan 12, 2022

**Medical Cannabis** Cannabis and cannabinoids have gained attention for their potential anti-cancer effects. While more research is needed, some studies suggest that cannabinoids like THC and CBD may inhibit cancer cell growth and enhance the effectiveness of conventional cancer treatments.

Our records confirm the successful treatment of Alzheimer's disease (ICD-10 codeG30.9) and addiction recovery. The patient's condition, previously diagnosed as Alzheimer's disease, has been effectively managed and **RESOLVED** by using natural sources.

Additionally, our records indicate that the patient has also overcome addictions to other psychoactive substances, as classified under ICD-10 codeF19.10, and this condition has been successfully **RESOLVED** by using natural sources.


This website, sitemap, social media, and all it's devices was silenced in 2020, by our GOV!!!

**Cancer Treatment Options:**
1. **Ganoderma lucidum (Reishi mushroom)** A mushroom-based treatment that has been shown to have anti-tumor properties.
2. **Ayurvedic Cancer Treatment** A holistic approach that combines traditional Ayurvedic medicine with modern cancer treatments.
3. **Fenbendazole** A dog dewormer that has been used to treat cancer in some cases.
4. **Marijuana and Cancer** Marijuana-based treatments have shown promise in reducing cancer symptoms and improving quality of life.
5. **Cannabidiol (CBD)** A non-psychoactive compound found in cannabis that has been shown to have anti-cancer properties.
6. **Curcumin** A compound found in turmeric that has anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties.
7. **Laetrile** A substance derived from apricot kernels that has been promoted as a cancer treatment, but its effectiveness is disputed.
8. **Vitamin C** High-dose vitamin C therapy has been used to treat cancer in some cases.

**Dietary Approaches:**
1. **Alkaline Diet** A diet that focuses on consuming non-acidic foods, which may help reduce the risk of cancer.
2. **Breuss Diet** A diet that involves consuming vegetable juice and tea, which may help reduce cancer symptoms.
3. **Budwig Protocol** A diet that combines flaxseed oil and cottage cheese to treat cancer.
4. **Fasting and Intermittent Fasting** Fasting or restricting calorie intake may have anti-cancer effects by promoting autophagy and reducing inflammation.
5. **Hallelujah Diet** A restrictive diet that focuses on consuming only raw foods and avoiding processed foods.

**Energy-Based Therapies:**
1. **Bioresonance Therapy** A therapy that uses electrical devices to diagnose and treat cancer.
2. **Electrohomeopathy** A therapy that uses electrical devices to treat cancer.
3. **Light Therapy** The use of light to treat medical conditions, including cancer.
4. **Magnetic Therapy** The use of magnets to treat medical conditions, including cancer.
5. **Orgone Therapy** A therapy that claims to use a life force energy called "orgone" to treat cancer.

**Other Alternative Health Systems:**
1. **Herbalism** The use of herbs and plant extracts to promote health and prevent disease.
2. **Holistic Medicine** A general term for an approach to medicine that encompasses mental, physical, and spiritual aspects of health.
3. **Homeopathy** A system of medicine that uses highly diluted substances to treat disease.
4. **Naturopathy** A system of medicine that emphasizes the use of natural remedies and promotes self-healing.
5. **Ayurvedic Medicine** A system of traditional medicine that originated in India and emphasizes the use of natural remedies and lifestyle changes.

**Conspiracy Theories:**
1. **Big Pharma Conspiracy Theories** Claims that pharmaceutical companies are hiding or suppressing alternative treatments for financial gain.
2. **HIV/AIDS Denialism** The belief that HIV does not cause AIDS or that the disease is not contagious.

1. **Alternative Medical Systems** Systems of medicine that are not based on scientific evidence or are not recognized by mainstream medical organizations.
2. **Mind–Body Interventions** Interventions that focus on the relationship between the mind and body, such as meditation or yoga.
3. **Biologically Based Therapies** Therapies that use biological substances, such as herbs or vitamins, to promote health.

Remember to consult with qualified medical professionals before attempting any new treatments or therapies. It's essential to prioritize evidence-based medicine and avoid quackery or pseudoscience when seeking alternative health solutions.

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